Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Healthy "Instant" Potatoes

Here they are! The potatoes are mostly dried. I had a few trays that I had to turn the potato "sheets" over to finish drying the other side, but I wanted to show you the ones I did get finished. I have to say that this is what I will be doing this fall instead of digging a root cellar:-)
The peeled/chopped potatoes are soaking in cold water with fresh squeezed lemon juice to preserve the whitish color of the potato.

Pot is ready for cooking! This is my largest stockpot filled to nearly the brim with chopped potatoes

Cooked and mashed potatoes spread on unbleached parchment paper and placed on the dehydrator trays


Isn't this the coolest thing you've ever seen??!! lol!

Here are three trays all powdered up and ready for storage!
The first "half" of my new shelving my husband built me last night! There will be another section made tonight that attaches to this making it a double depth shelving system. We had a good laugh about this shelf  because when he brought it in the house it stood up all nice and straight all by itself!!!! It didn't fall apart or anything!! lol! My husband is NOT a carpenter so we were right proud of his "carpentry" skills....lol!!
Doesn't all that food just make you feel warm and "fallish" all over?? It does me!! I'm glad the first round of many to come is over, but this inspires me to be diligent and get all those shelves, and the ones to come, nice and full for winter! Three more bushels of corn to do this week before Saturday's market, so I'd better go get all my other work done...lol! Happy-Fall-is-around-the-corner-Day!

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